Return And Refunds

return and refund policy of HOVUK
  1. If your product is defective / damaged or incorrect/incomplete at the time of delivery, please contact us within the applicable return window. Your product may be eligible for refund or replacement depending on the product category and condition.
  2. Please note that some products are not eligible for a return if the product is “No longer needed”
  3. For device related issues after usage or the expiration of the return window, we will refer you to the brand warranty center (if applicable).
  4. You can also find specific return policy on product page (if applicable).
  1. The product must be unused, unworn, unwashed and without any flaws. Fashion products can be tried on to see if they fit and will still be considered unworn. If a product is returned to us in an inadequate condition, we reserve the right to send it back to you.
  2. The product must include the original tags, user manual, warranty cards, freebies and accessories.
  3. The product must be returned in the original and undamaged manufacturer packaging / box. If the product was delivered in a second layer of HOVUK packaging, it must be returned in the same condition with return shipping label attached. Do not put tape or stickers on the manufacturers box.

If your product is eligible for a refund, you can choose your preferred refund method based on the table below. The shipping fee is refunded along with the amount paid for your returned product.

The time required to complete a refund depends on the refund method you have selected. Once we have received your product (2-3 working days) and it has undergone a quality control (1-2 working days), the expected refund processing times are as follows:

Please note that this policy does not apply to Seasonal Products.

Payment Method Refund Option Refund Time
All Refund Voucher 1-2 working days
Debit or Credit Card Debit or Credit Card Payment Reversal 9-10 working days
Cash on Delivery (COD) Bank Deposit 4-5 working days
SRVertex Voucher Refund Voucher 1-2 working days
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